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The 7th International IEEE Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Conference

As part of the 7th International IEEE Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Conference this April 10-12 in Southampton, UK there will be a workshop organised by Frank Pollick and James Haxby on the psychology of face and gesture recognition. The date of the workshop is 11 April 2006. Details can be found at:

The list of speakers and topics includes:

  • Michael Beauchamp, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, See me, Hear me, Touch Me: Multisensory Aspects of Face and Gesture Perception
  • Andy Calder, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Adaptation of Eye Gaze Perception
  • Ruth Campbell, University College London, Cortical dissociations and associations for the perception of mouth and hand actions in and out of sign language.
  • Antonio Camurri, University of Genova, Computational models and techniques for multimodal analysis of expressive gesture
  • Yiannis Demiris, Imperial College London, Motor theories of perception: computational models, robotic implementations and open challenges
  • Tamar Flash, Weizmann Institute, Motor primitives and laws of motion in action perception and production
  • Alan Johnston UCL, Recognition of facial movement across changes in pose
  • Aina Puce, West Virginia University, Neural and hemodynamic responses to facial gestures generated by real and synthetic faces
  • Edmund Rolls, Oxford University, Neurophysiology of face perception and gesture, and a new computational mechanism for the invariant recognition of gesture.
  • Thomas Shipley, Temple University, When action meets word: Event parsing, representation, and verb learning
  • Rufin Vogels, KU Leuven Medical School, Neural mechanisms of action recognition in macaque temporal cortex

The goal of the workshop is to facilitate exchange of ideas between researchers working in automatic recognition with those working in various aspects of the psychology and neuroscience of face and gesture recognition.