Workshop on Brain and Cognition & the 11th conference on Attentionand Perception
Dept. of Psychology of National Taiwan University is excited to announce that there was an ability to invite Anne Treisman, Shinsuke Shimojo, and Frank Tong, to be lead presenters during five-day workshop that is geared toward professors and post docs. Each of these speakers will give three separate presentations, to allow an in-depth insight into their research that is difficult to obtain during a regular conference. Apart from these presentations, local researchers will also present their recent advances in the field.
Registration deadline: December 15, 2005.
Organizers encourage everyone to sign up to take advantage of this workshop, and to take the opportunity to see a bit of scenic Taiwan. However, registration is limited and requests for funding cannot be honored either.
Invited Speakers and Topics
Anne Treisman, Professor, Department of Psychology, Princeton University
1. Broad or narrow focus of attention: how does it determine what we see?
2. Object tokens in perception and memory
3. Perception of statistical properties
Shinsuke Shimojo, Professor of Biology, California Institute of Technology
1. Crossmodal integration - Towards general neural principles (1)(2).
2. Visual surface representation and feature binding.
3. Gaze and attention - somatic and neural precursors of preference
Frank Tong, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Vanderbilt University
1. Visual perception and awareness in the human visual system.
2. Mechanisms of selective and constructive perception: Binocular rivalry
and perceptual filling-in.
3. Neural decoding of visual and mental states.
Su-Ling Yeh, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
National Taiwan University
Taipei 106, Taiwan
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