The third workshop on Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data
The third workshop on Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data (SAND3) will take place May 12-13, 2006, at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. A pair of short courses will also be given on May 11, in conjunction with the workshop.
Travel funds are available, to provide partial support for participants. Participants are encouraged to present posters, and submit papers, reporting research involving new methodology, investigation of existing methods, or application of state-of-the-art analytical techniques. We expect papers to be published in a special issue of "Statistics in Medicine."
The short courses on May 11 will be "An overview of statistical methods for neuroscience" (morning) and "Problems in neurophysiology, for quantitative analysts" (afternoon). Confirmed speakers and participants include
- Bruno Averbeck (Rochester)
- Steve Bressler (Florida Atlantic)
- Emery Brown (Harvard Medical School/MIT)
- Elizabeth Buffalo (Emory)
- Zhiyi Chi (Connecticut)
- Yang Dan (Berkeley)
- Uri Eden (Harvard)
- Loren Frank (UCSF)
- Stuart Geman (Brown)
- Apostolos Georgopoulos (Minnesota)
- Hiroyuki Ito (Kyoto Sangyo)
- Rob Kass (Carnegie Mellon)
- Mark Laubach (Yale)
- Sri Natarajan (UCSF)
- Sheila Nirenberg (UCLA)
- Liam Paninski (Columbia)
- Patrick Purdon (MGH)
- Andrew Schwartz (Pittsburgh)
- Tatanya Sharpee (UCSF)
- Shigeru Shinomoto (Kyoto)
- Wendy Suzuki (NYU)
- Bin Yu (Berkeley)
- Jonathan Victor (Cornell)
The organizers are Emery Brown, Elizabeth Buffalo, Apostolos Georgopoulos, Rob Kass, Jonathan Victor, and Bin Yu. For further information see