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Artykuly pracowni Ukladu Wzrokowego

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 Title   Type   Size   Last modified   Description 
Article.2004.07.05.01 Article 1 K 2004-07-05 Attention-dependent coupling between beta activities recorded in the cat's thalamic and cortical representations of the central visual field
Article.2004.07.06.01 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Neuroinformatics: the integration of shared databases and tools towards integrative neuroscience.
Article.2004.07.06.06 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Evolutionary algorithms and rough sets-based hybrid approach to classificatory decomposition of cortical evoked potentials.
Article.2004.07.06.07 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Sparse Coding and Rough Set Theory-Based Hybrid Approach to the Classificatory Decomposition of Cortical Evoked Potentials
Article.2004.07.06.10 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Sparse correlation kernel analysis and evolutionary algorithm-based modeling of the sensory activity within the rat's barrel cortex.
Article.2004.07.06.13 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Convergence of Y and non-Y channels onto single neurons in the superior colliculi of the cat.
Article.2004.07.06.15 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Receptive field properties of single neurons in the cat superior colliculus were examined following selective conduction-block of Y-type fibers in contralateral optic nerve. Although the responses evoked by photic stimuli presented via the Y-blocked eye were significantly weaker than those evoked by stimuli presented via the normal eye, > 85% of collicular cells were binocular. Furthermore, when binocular cells were stimulated via the Y-blocked eye their median upper cut-off velocity (100 degrees /s) was significantly lower than that (400 degrees /s) for stimuli presented via the normal eye. Thus, there is a substantial degree of excitatory convergence of Y- and non-Y- information channels on single collicular neurons and the responses to high velocity of motion appear to depend on the integrity of Y-type input.
Article.2004.07.06.16 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Beta activity: a carrier for visual attention.
Article.2004.07.06.19 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Coupling of beta and gamma activity in cortico-thalamic system of cats attending to visual stimuli
Article.2004.07.06.21 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Synaptic excitation of principal cells in the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus during focal epileptic seizures in the visual cortex.
Article.2004.07.06.22 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Gating of the sensory activity within barrel cortex of the awake rat.
Article.2004.07.06.23 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Spontaneous variability reveals principal components in cortical evoked potentials
Article.2004.07.06.28 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Why does the human brain need to be a nonlinear system?
Article.2004.07.06.31 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 20 Hz bursting beta activity in the cortico-thalamic system of visually attending cats.
Article.2004.07.06.33 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 20 Hz rhythm of activity in visual system of perceiving cat.
Article.2004.07.06.35 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Private inhibitory systems for the X and Y pathways in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat
Article.2004.07.06.27 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Nonlinearities within the cat LGN cell receptive fields in simulated network with recurrent inhibition.
Article.2004.07.06.34 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 A method for determination of energetical structure of conformational states of voltage dependent ionic channels.
Article.2004.07.06.37 Article 1 K 2004-07-06 Frequency dependent corticofugal excitation of principal cells in the cat's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus.
Article.2004.07.06.29 Article 1 K 2004-09-07 Rapid phase shift of evoked potentials in barrel cortex accompanies conditioning.