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Cognitive Neuroscience and Computational Vision faculty positions

John M. Henderson
Dear Colleauge,

Please distribute and post the following two advertisements for faculty
positions at Michigan State University. These positions represent continued
substantial investment in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience at MSU.
The first position is new, and the second position has been posted previously.


The Department of Psychology at Michigan State University invites applications
for a faculty position in psychology at the rank of Associate Professor. The
successful candidate will be appointed by Psychology and will help to direct the
new Facility for Functional Brain Imaging featuring a research-dedicated 3T GE
scanner and associated support personnel. We are seeking candidates who study
human cognition using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Individuals
pursuing research questions in line with our areas of strength in language,
visual cognition, and working memory/executive control are especially encouraged
to apply, but all qualified applicants will be considered. Michigan State
University has a vibrant interdisciplinary cognitive science community
( supported by an NSF IGERT training grant and a
newly established Center for the Integrated Study of Vision and Language as well
as the FMRI Facility. The successful individual will have a strong research
program with demonstrated ability to attract extramural support. Review of
applications will begin December 1, 2004 and will continue until the position is
filled. The position begins Fall 2005. Salary and rank will depend on the
candidate's qualifications and experience. Women and minority-group candidates
are encouraged to apply. Please send a letter of application, cv, (p)reprints
and three letters of reference to, or to Dr. Fernanda
Ferreira, Search Chair, Cognitive Neuroscience Search Committee, Department of
Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. MSU is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


The Department of Psychology at Michigan State University invites applications
for a tenure-system position at the rank of Assistant or early Associate level.
We are seeking candidates who combine computational or mathematical modeling
with behavioral, psychophysical, and/or cognitive neuroscience techniques. The
successful candidate will be appointed by Psychology, the tenure home
department, and will be affiliated with the Cognitive Science Program. We
encourage applications from individuals pursuing research questions in areas
such as (but not limited to) visual attention, eye movement control, visually
guided action, spatial navigation, object recognition, and scene perception.
Michigan State University has a vibrant cognitive science community
( supported by an NSF IGERT training grant, a
newly established Center for the Integrated Study of Vision and Language, and a
new fMRI facility featuring a research-dedicated 3T GE scanner and associated
support personnel. The individual must have a strong research program capable of
attracting extramural support. The position begins Fall 2005. Salary and rank
will depend on the candidate's qualifications and experience. Review of
applications will begin November 15, 2004 and will continue until the position
is filled. Women and minority-group candidates are encouraged to apply. Please
send a letter of application, cv, (p)reprints and three letters of reference to, or to John M. Henderson, Chair, Visual Cognition Search
Committee, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
48824. MSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.