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To apply please log in here. Note that the application form will be available on January 9, 2012.


APPLICATION START: January 9, 2012


  • Double attendance

    We are aware that a number of candidates will also apply to, and some of them be invited to participate to other courses, such as the Okinawa course. Even if it is temporally possible o attend more than one, we strongly advise against taking two courses during the same year. This for at least three reasons:

    1. it would be unfair on those students who would then not be able to attend any course at all;
    2. you will need time to absorb the material from any such course -- they are both teaching around a semester's course over just a short time, demanding consolidation rather than repetition;
    3. there is some (though not complete) overlap in the material.

    It is unfortunately impossible to set the application phases so that candidates can await the selection results from both schools before making their decision. For this reason we recommand that you seriously consider your priorities even before applying.

  • Project

    One of the main features of the course is that all participants work on a research project during the 4 weeks, suggested by themselves, but under the help and guidance of tutors and faculty members.

    The research project typically must not be a plain continuation of the PhD or postdoc research subject of the candidate, although it may of course be related. The project should instead be complementary to the present research focus of the candidate.

    In formulating a project proposal, applicants should consider how it would provide substantial scientific benefits, which would be difficult to obtain without the course. For example, experimentalists may be interested in modeling their data, mathematicians in moving towards more biophysical approaches, cellular-level modelists in moving towards more systems approaches, etc.

    The idea for the project will be assessed according to its scientific merits. It should be described in terms that are general enough that neuroscientists specializing in other fields can appreciate it.

  • How to fill in the forms

    The submission process is electronic. Applicants will receive copies of their submissions by e-mail, and will be able to edit or update them until the application deadline.

    Large text boxes have maximum size of 500 or 1000 characters, small ones 80 characters. The system will not allow the maximum number of characters to be exceeded.

    Since applications will be reviewed electronically, it is important not to use special characters which may not display correctly, including the amperesand sign ('&') in text fields.

  • Letters of recommendation

    Applications are incomplete until two letters of recommendation have been received. These should be written by supervisors or other scientists with detailed knowledge of the applicant. The names and email addresses of the referees should be supplied; we will then contact them by email to solicit the references electronically.

    Applicants should ensure that their referees have agreed to provide references before submitting their names. Applications without two references will be declined. Applicants can check on the arrival of references via the submission website - "letter received" will appear. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the reference letters are submitted by the deadline.

    Due to spam-filters mails gets lost. You should know that:

    • After submitting your application form you should receive one mail containing a copy of your application data and, if you are a new registrant to, one containing the personal information you submitted.
    • It is a good idea to check that the email sent to your referees has arrived.
    • Email is sent to you and your referees at exactly the same time. However, this does not guarantee that the email will arrive at the same time -- see also the next point.
    • Some mail-servers get overloaded during peak-load periods, and it can take up to half a day before email reaches its destination.
    • You can always consult the emails sent to you by following the link "View log from all mails sent to me." in your menu.
    • Please contact us in case of failure.
  • Selection process

    Due to the high demand we can accept only 20-25% of the applications.
    Your application together with the letters of recommendation will be reviewed and scored by three faculty members.
    Based on the those scores and taking into accounts a necessary balance of geographical, gender and educational background, a final ranking will be made by the course directors.

    To apply, please press button "login" and logon; if this is your first logon, please read the "read me first" file.

Course fee

The course fee is 1500 Euro and it covers tuition, lodging, and meals. There will be a limited number of course fee scholarships, and travel stipends available for students who need financial help for attending the course. To be eligible for support you must document your prior attempts to obtain funding from other sources.

Details for money transfer:

IBAN : PL 42 1240 6003 1111 0000 4947 0204


Please mention 'ACCN2012' and your name on your transfer so there is no doubt about the identity of the payment.

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