iCSD 2D toolbox
Inverse Current Source Density method in two dimensions: Inferring neural activation from multielectrode recordings
The MATLAB scripts for the 2D current-source density analysis together with a GUI toolbox can be downloaded here.
The related paper (published in Neuroinformatics, doi:10.1007/s12021-011-9111-4) is available here: pdf. Please cite that paper if you use the toolbox in published research.
Note that iCSD has been generalized, the new kernel Current Source Density (Neural Computation 24 (2012) 541-575. doi:10.1162/NECO_a_00236) takes care of noise and allows reconstruction from arbitrary distribution of electrodes. Python code is available here. For the original unmaintained MATLAB scripts write the authors.

Figure: Graphical tool for CSD analysis. The main window shows details of the dataset, the CSD method, two panels with voltage and CSD data, and controls for browsing through the dataset.