Description of the data set
W pliku
zamieszczony jest plik z danymi (r52w1.bin), a takze plik z opisem PO POLSKU (r52w1opis.txt)
The file
contains the data file (r52w1.bin) and description file (r52w1description.txt).
File r52w1.bin
contains local field potentials registered from the barrel cortex of the rat after vibrissa stimulation (evoked potential, EP).
is to study of the mechanisms of habituation and sensitization in the sensory systems of nonanaesthetised animals.
- Few habituation sessions during which the animal gets used to repeted vibrissa stimulation.
- EXPERIMENTAL SESSION: a) The first 47 EPs is continuation of habituation sessions b) The rest of EPs (48-94) stimulation of vibrissa was reinforced by a mild electric stimulation of ear 200 ms after vibrissa stimulation.
- Other sessions with aversive stimulations, then extinction and so on
The data presented here are taken from experimental session (2).
The 47 potentials recorded during the first part of the session represent the habituated situation. During the second part of the session, mild electric shock is delivered in order to activate the animal and set its brain into more attentive mode.
The change of brain state causes the change of sensory information flow, thus the reaction to the sensory stimulus should be different. As a result the first 47 EPs should differ from other 47 recorded during second part of the session.
- Finding the systematic differences between HABITUATED and ACTIVATED groups of signals.
- Finding the method of off-line classification of the recorded EPs into classes : class 1 ("habituated") and class 2 ("activted”) - we expect that EPs of class 1 would appear mainly in the first (habituation) part of experimental session, and class 2 EPs would belong mainly to the group from the second part of experimental session.
- Finding the on-line method of EPs classification.
Data in the file r52w1.bin
are written in binary format (floating point, 32 bit - single precision).
It is the matrix of 100 rows and 94 columns.
Each column represents a single EP
Sampling rate 2000Hz - 100 points corresponds to 50ms sweep starting from the moment of vibrissa stimulation.
If you want to show us your result with our data or if you are interested in getting more of data please contact prof. Andrzej Wróbel e-mail:
Wypych M., Kublik E., Wojdyłło P., Wróbel A. 2003. Sorting functional classes of evoked potentials by wavelets. Neuroinformatics 1: 193-202.
Kublik E., Musiał P., Wróbel A. (2001) Identification of principal components in cortical evoked potentials by brief surface cooling. Clin Neurophysiol. 112(9): 1720-5.
Wróbel A., Kublik E. and Musiał P. 1998. Gating of the sensory activity within barrel cortex of the awake rat. Exp. Brain Res. 123: 117-123.
Musiał P., Kublik E., and Wróbel A. 1998. Spontaneous variability reveals principal components in cortical evoked potentials. NeuroReport 9: 2627-2631.
Musiał P., Kublik E., Panecki S. and Wróbel A. 1998. Transient changes of electrical activity in the rat barrel cortex during conditioning. Brain Res. 786: 1-10.
Kublik E., Musiał P. (1997) Studies on sensory systems by means of the evoked potentials method. Kosmos 46:327-336 / (in Polish with English summary)/
Wróbel A. and Kublik E. 2000. Modification of evoked potentials in the rat's barrel cortex induced by conditioning stimuli. In: M. Kossut (ed.): The barrel cortex. Graham Publ. Corp. New York. pp. 229-239.