Seminarium neuroinformatyki 13 września
Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium pt.
"Active Touch: Encoding of sensory events by trigeminal ganglion neurons in artificially whisking rats"
ktore wyglosi dr Marcin Szwed z pracowni Ahissara, Dept. of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Izrael
Seminarium odbedzie sie w poniedzialek, 13 wrzesnia o godz. 13.30 w sali konferencyjnej na II pietrze Instytutu Nenckiego
Daniel Wojcik Andrzej Wrobel
Sensation usually involves active sampling of the physical world. We call such motor-induced sensation active sensing. We investigate the encoding principles of active touch by rat whiskers (vibrissae) by inducing artificial whisking in anesthetized rats and recording from first-order neurons in the trigeminal ganglion. We found that during active touch, first-order trigeminal neurons display a rich repertoire of responses, which cannot be inferred from their responses to passive stimuli. Individual neurons respond to four specific events: whisking, contact with object, pressure against object, and detachment from object (Szwed et al, Neuron, 2003). I will describe these basic responses, and then focus on how these responses encode object position.